Monday, June 7, 2010

Happy Birthday E-E!

Saturday we went to the beach to celebrate Ethan's third birthday. It was so much fun to be with all our friends celebrating who Kendall has been calling her "bestie" lately. :) She says "E-E is my bestie and Sarah is my bestie." I love this first picture of that little guy - he is so mischievous!

He is very into dragons and dinosaurs these days, so his cake had a dragon on top!

Kendall was so funny this trip to the beach. She hasn't wanted to get in the water at all yet this year. The other times we've been to the beach, she has just dug and played in the sand. This was where all her friends were playing though - right on the edge of where the water was coming - so she sat down and played with them. At first, when the water would come up, she would stand up and run back a little ways until the wave went back. Then she just kept getting wetter and wetter until she was finally running and jumping onto her knees and splashing in the water! I was so proud of her for finally getting in!

We love the beach! And we love Ethan and the Sanders! We are planning on going with the girls to the beach at least every Tuesday this summer - and probably more with Dad! Fun times!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

I'm jealous that you live so close to the beach. That's so much fun! Can't wait to see you!!