Sunday, June 20, 2010

Funny Kendall

I have more pictures to post from our trip to Ft. Worth this past week, but I have to wait until Randy gets home with the laptop...which will be tonight! He has had a great week in Bolivia and we had a good time in Ft. Worth, but we are both ready for him to be home with us!
In the meantime, I have a funny story from when we were at my Mom and David's. We were sitting outside on the back porch one night, and I looked over and Kendall was spitting in the grass. She started this a couple of months ago and every once in awhile we will catch her her hand, on the carpet, or outside. We don't know where she learned this and tell her over and over again that that is gross and we don't do that. So this week when I saw her do it, I said, "Kendall! We don't spit." She looked at me and said, "Yea! We does!" I laughed and said, "No, Kendall. We don't." And she said, "Yea Mom! We does!" It cracked me up - I wish I had a picture of her face when she was looking at me saying, "Yea! We does!" Oh my.

1 comment:

Granny Harms said...

It's so difficult to correct your child when you're trying NOT to laugh, isn't it?!?! That was (I'm sorry!) so funny!!!