Monday, January 11, 2010

Christmas (Eve) Morning

Christmas eve morning, we woke Kendall up bright and early to see if Santa had visited. He did!
He filled her stocking with candy and books and socks and brought her a Little People farm!

Randy and I got her her first baby doll and she LOVED it! She carries it around with her all the time.

Look how sweetly she is looking at it!

Giving the baby her "sass."
And trying to eat some of the candy from her stocking - with the paper still on.

Happy girl!

She had to give her baby a ride in her stroller.

She would walk off, then turn around and say, "Bye Bye!!"

We didn't get pictures of everything, but she also got some more books, the Aristocats DVD, and some houseshoes. We had such a fun Christmas Eve morning and loved Kendall being at an age where she understands what is going on! She loves Christmas!


Jenny Hintze said...

Wow, I see Mikey wasn't the only one with crazy Christmas morning hair!

Anonymous said...

Love the hair and pajamas! Cute!