Friday, January 22, 2010

Potty Training Day One

We started potty training today! Overall, it was a success. We started the morning by giving her the normal cup of juice, cup of milk, and cheerios. We put her new panties on her right when she woke up. Then we took her to the potty every 15 minutes, whether she wanted to or not. The book I read said to take her even if she threw a fit, and that by the third time she would be over it. She was! She fussed the first two times and by the third time she was fine with sitting on the potty! Several times she tinkled while she was on the potty and several times she started tinkling while she was up playing and we rushed to the potty really fast. We decided it was probably about 50-50 this morning with successes and accidents. We did go through a lot of panties!
At naptime we put her in a diaper to sleep, and then when she woke up we put her right back in her panties. We told her to try and keep Elmo dry and....she did! She had zero tinkle accidents from naptime to bedtime. We were so proud of her. She did poop in her panties once, but we were just glad she went - when she didn't go all morning we were afraid she was scared to not go in her diaper.
Randy had the great idea to bring the laptop in and let her watch videos on it while she sat on the potty. We watched videos on and, and even some funny Japanese potty training videos! It was a great thing to do to keep her sitting down and relaxed.
After dinner we were talking to Pops on the webcam, and Kendall got to show him how she tinkles on the potty! While we were talking she told us she needed to go, so we ran to the potty with the laptop and Pops and Megg were able to be right there with us! Lucky them. It was fun to have them there to celebrate with us. Every time she goes on the potty she gets either an "emmy," a fruit snack, a sticker, or all of the above. Any time she gets a sticker, it goes right to her belly. AND, on top of all that, her Daddy does a really fun "Kendall just pottied" dance! She loves that.
Overall, we had a great day! It was a long day of staying home, not getting out, drinking a bunch, asking her if her Elmos were dry a bunch, and celebrating a bunch. I'm so thankful Randy was home to do it with me, and we're looking forward to another fun day of training tomorrow!

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