Monday, January 18, 2010

Finally a Pretty Day!

We were so excited that we could finally get out this morning and go on a walk! It's been so rainy here and cold, but today was clear and sunny and 60s, so we took Molly and went on a walk around the neighborhood. When we got back to the house I pulled Kendall's new cozy coupe out of the garage so she could play with it on the driveway. Then, while she was playing, I started stretching my legs a little - it's been a long time since I've walked 2 miles! I looked over and Kendall had decided that she needed to stretch too. I guess it's hard work riding in the stroller that far! I ran and got my camera and asked her to do her stretches for me again. Here's some pictures!
I'm not sure if you can tell, but she is wearing her black dress shoes and her hot pink socks. Before we left she helped me put on my tennis shoes and then went in her room to get her shoes. By the time I got in there, she had pulled out her black shoes. I decided not to fight it and reached in the drawer for some white socks, but when I grabbed them, Kendall said, "No, pink socks" and handed me the pink ones! I decided again that it wasn't important and let her wear the black shoes and pink socks. She has great fashion sense. :)
I love this picture. I just love the faces she makes!

After we played in the car for awhile we had to get the wagon out, too. I pulled her and Molly around in that together and then Dad came home for lunch! What a great morning!
New Baby update: I haven't been sick at all, but I have been very tired. I'm so thankful that Kendall still takes a three hour nap every afternoon! We go to the doctor one week from today. Looking forward to that!

1 comment:

Gigi and Peeps said...

I'm so glad it was a pretty day and you could get out and drive in your car.

And yea! for mommy too. It's always good to know what battles you want to pick. Your doing a great job!