Thursday, January 28, 2010

Just Another Update

I don't have any pictures today (sorry!) but we have had a busy week, so I wanted to at least update the blog.
Monday we had our first doctor's appointment for the new baby! Our due date of Sept. 16 was confirmed, and my doctor told me that my change-over day is Thursday, so that means that today I am 7 weeks!! She said that it is too early right now to hear the heartbeat, but that we will get to at our next appointment, if I schedule it closer to 11 weeks rather than 10 weeks. So I made our next appointment for Monday, March 1. We're looking forward to that! Other than that, I checked out just fine and she said everything looks great!
Kendall is still doing such a great job wearing big girl panties! We're so proud of her. She's had a few accidents here and there, and we're still working on getting #2 in the potty every time, but overall she is doing great! She went to school Tuesday and today both in her panties and just had one accident on Tuesday and none today! We're thankful for her Mrs. Lindsey and Mrs. Judy who take her to the potty every time she asks to go -- even when she doesn't "go" every time! It's extra work right now, but we're hoping that the false alarms start to taper off soon. In the meantime, we'll take her every time she asks because, well, that's just what you do! She has also taken her naps all this week in her panties and kept them dry. She still wears diapers at night though and they are still pretty wet when she gets up in the mornings. But we are so thankful she's wearing panties all day and keeping them dry! We have even been several places besides school and church, like Kroger and restaurants, and had no accidents. I'm sure someday she will have an accident while we are out somewhere, but so far we've been lucky and I hope it stays that way! I don't even want to think about that.
I've been super super tired this week and I was sick to my stomach all day Tuesday. Since then I haven't felt AS quesy, but still just right on the verge. It's hard being pregnant with a busy two year old! Maybe my energy will come back after this first trimester.
Granny and Papas are coming this weekend and we are excited! I told Kendall yesterday that they were coming, and she was excited. This morning, though, I said to her, "Kendall, do you know who is coming to see you this weekend?" And she said, "Yea!! Granny! And Papas!!" I don't think she has ever remembered something like that from one day to the next, so I was suprised! She's just getting so big and we're just having so much fun with her.
Pictures coming soon...I promise!


Granny Harms said...

Yes!! Can't wait to see all of you!!! So glad you're excited because we are too!!! So big, Kender!!! So proud!!

Courtney said...

You will get your energy back, I promise. I didn't think the day would ever come...but it did. :) Kendall is doing so great with the potty training. The night will come. Madison still wears pull-ups at night. She wakes up dry almost every night but I just haven't had the guts to go all out. I will this summer when I don't have to get up to go to work :) Because there are those few mornings that she wakes up pretty wet.